Sunday 25 August 2019

Flashback Challange

Flashback Challenge

 - August 25/08/2019 -'s been a while & I'm just wanting to do a silly little self challenge.

Feel free to join in if you feel inspired to!
#FlashbackChallenge #FBC #MusicFlashBack #ChallengeYourself

So, I am challenging myself to listen through each and every CD i still own.... Which is a fair amount but not as much as to drive myself insane (LOL)
Now... The CD that's inspired me to do so, is one of my utter faves!!!!


BLINK 182#Blink182

Blink-182 is the self-titled (or untitled as stated by Mark Hoppus) fifth studio album by American rock band of the same name, released on November 18, 2003 by Geffen Records(taken from -Wikipedia)

Ok.... so. 
If you know me well- You will know just how much i ADORE Blink 182.
Now, I have my reasons...mmk!??
Okay so, this is the album where they totally changed their sound!!! Which was huge after only a few hits in the pop charts (Thanks to American Pie too!)

But, i remember back when this album was announced to be released- and I literally BEGGING my mum to take me to the CD Store (#Sanity) so that i could place a 
I had saved up all my spending money and any money left over from lunches at school, just to pay the $23.95 for it!!! (which was a lot of money for a kid with no job)
That moment i knew it was release day- Year 11 - and just itching to get out of school so mum would take me down there to get it, take it home, put it in my stereo and just experience it for the first time!?
Blasting it louder every time you turn it on straight after school.

I would disappear, crank my music and not appear except for snacks or toilet breaks.
I used to just LOVE zoning out to a single CD!!
Was very calming to me and helped me think about things.

So this is it!! I'm going to re-live my adolescence in a way that will be an experience for my mind but also a reminder of what I enjoyed back then!
So who's with me!?
If you are blogging about this, hashtag #FlashbackChallange #FBC
That's it for this idea!! See you around

(if anyone is reading this of course!)

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 Mistress Gemini

Thursday 1 September 2016

Useless crap as usual...

I can't seem to do much right these days...

No matter what I do, I just don't seem to be a perfect human being.
I plod along in life and watch every one else arse their way through and when I genuinely try my hardest, I seem to fuck things up even more.

I'm so mentally distracted that i forget such simple things!!! The other day, for the life of me I could not remember the alarm code at work- which i use almost every day!! Poof! Gone!!!
Just proves how distracted my mind is of late.

My energy levels have dipped, I don't really care much any more. I actually feel depressed most days, although I tend to hide behind a happy-go-lucky demeanor.

Some days I just don't want to exist.

I'm happy to admit a fault of mine, I own up to things I do wrong- but making a big issue out of such things as "not putting blah-blah-blah on charge" are not really what I need right now. I get it, i forgot... but there are other more important things that I DID actually do.... but that's ok, whinge about a fucking device you don't need first thing not being charged. Seriously... fuck off.

I tend to give people a blank expression now. I hate crying and getting upset- I'm fucking over it. I'm also fucking over being used and abused!! I'm nice because I actually enjoy helping people out, but if you are going to run me down and make me feel like shit- FORGET ABOUT IT!!

Stop treating me like shit!
Stop treating people like shit, full stop. Just stop.

We are human, we fuck up, mess up, forget, make small mistakes and so on... live and let live- did that small error kill you? No? GET OVER IT!! MOVE ON!!!
I think I need a change.

What I want in life just seems to be eluding me, although I don't talk about it here- By the end of this year, I give up. I just simply give up.
I'm over it. I'm over everything!

I write things in the condensation as i have a shower... I find myself writing "Why?" and "When?" a lot.... wonder if it will ever happen for me....

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Some times you just feel worthless

This is purely venting- You have been warned.

Yes... some times life can just make you feel like a glitter covered piece of shit!

I mean, feeling worthless is pretty much a talent of mine. I seem to just be useless in no matter what field of anything I'm doing or involved in.

Some times I just feel so useless i want to cry. It's rather over-whelming.
Having multiple peronalities (im a Gemini), I usually project the personality that I want people to see.... example, the happy, dopey, lucky-go-easy and nerdy girl. Hidden under that and so much more is a person screaming to just be accepted for who she is and not being treated as shit because she's just a human.

Yup... believe it or not, I'm human!!!

The way I get treated by some people though makes me feel like an indicator in a Perth drivers car. O_O Oh yeah...

I am now closing myself up, as my approach is normally to lay it all on the table- but that allows people to hurt me in a way i never knew was truly possible.
Some things in my life have really hurt me in the past... and now I find myself being hurt again, but just by new people.

I think I just need to own up to the fact that I am useless and a dumb shit for brains.... but I do have my uses. *sigh* Well that's my defeated thought process... how ever the other side of my personality is saying "Nah!! FUCK THAT!! FUCK THEM!!! AND FUCK YOU!!" hahaha... I'm rather conflicted in myself a.t.m.

Currently I'm struggling with a highly personal issue... by the end of this year, if it hasn't resolved itself... I just give the fuck up. Over it. Don't care any more. This time last year I would have been a different emotional wreck, but you build up an emotional shell after a while..... hence i say fuck a lot. That is me hardening my emotional shell to deal with shit that really- no one ever should deal with.

Life is fucked.

Thank god I have my amazing husband to ground me.. or this life might not be worth living.

I'm done.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Thought I thought what I thought I Thought...

Oops... I thought.

I actually don't have much to say as of late, not that any one reads this any way (other wise i would get comments)
But, I do actually have a hand written diary going a.t.m too and at least in that I can write what ever I want and know for a fact it wont effect any one but me.

Let's face it, the world is full of pussies who get offended if you sneeze in the wrong direction!!

But, A thought on a thought in my hand written diary is (and that is rather personal so I wont actually referee to what i mean) people are fucking jerks!!

It doesn't matter how nice of a person you are, those assholes find you, take advantage of you, walk all over you, put you down till you feel your self worth is nothing and end up making you feel like shit for being that nice person to them in the first place.

It's like a fucking curse!!!
I seem to just attract these people no matter where I go in life! It's horrible, but what get's me even more is they act as if my own personal struggles are nothing! LITERALLY NOTHING!!

"Harden Up Princess" they say! "I had it harder at your age, you've got it easy" they carry on "Well I never had to deal with that, have a cup of concrete"
This attitude, although can be valid in the right circumstance - IS HORRIBLE! Where is the compassion for the fellow person in genuine distress? No one wants to deal with other peoples problems these days and that's WRONG!!

If some one tell's you that they are having a genuine problem, don't shrug them off- LISTEN TO THEM AND SHOW COMPASSION YOU IGNORANT COCK-GOBLIN!!

Jesus Fucking Christ!!!

What the hell is wrong with people!?

I give the fuck up some times!! If i don't tell people whats wrong - I'm a bitch
If I tell what's wrong - Im a bitch and a fucking sook....

No wonder suicide is higher than ever, no one gives a flying fuck!!!
Fuck it.

#BiteMe #IHaveFeelings #CareAboutOthers #FuckYou

Monday 6 June 2016

Dearest Cinderella...

For those of you who know me, you'll agree that I have a mild obsession with the story of Cinderella.

That being said, unless you live under a rock- You would know they released the new live action Cinderella movie in 2015... and needless to say, it was breathtaking!!!

Ohh, so magical!!!
And what's even better about this story, is this one line...."Have courage and be kind"

How beautiful is that!? *eyes tear up*
Needless to say, Disney really made a work of art this time around! I can say that confidentially as I am a big Disney fan (and hope one day to see Disneyland).

But why am I so attracted to this story?
As I child I had the animated version, she was fair and gentle- Kind and true.
Our new Cinderella echos that, but she also has her weakness shine through too. She over-comes her sadness for the loss of her family and the mis-treatment from her step family, never wavering though from her inner happiness <3

I think I identify with her strength and weakness on a deeper level.
I also connect on a more mental level with her, as she believes there is goodness in everyone. I too do believe that, but the variance of goodness wavers from person to person.

Ella is a beautiful soul, trapped in a series of unfortunate events. But she stays strong through the worse of everything, to which she comes out in the end with all her dreams coming true.
Now I understand life doesn't always echo this, but I do understand that karma is a bitch!

My only complaint would be the fairy god mother, portrayed by the ever amazing Helena Bonham Carter.

I just did not believe her act! She was too ditzy! I wanted the fairy god mother to echo the more motherly/grandmotherly sense that the cartoon version did... plus- who could forget Bibbity-Bobbity-Boo!

<3 Ohhh the childhood memories are just amazing, dancing around singing that at the top of my lungs!!!

I did how ever find the amazing book series 'Ella Enchanted' by Gail Carson Levine. Oh god how that book opened my eyes to the same story line as Cinder <3 I do highly recommend you check that one out, as the movie they did of it in NO WAY did the story ANY justice!!!
Lucinda was so much more than this ditz of a fairy- her father was a more darker man and then there was dear sweet Mandy <3

I am not one to shy away from stories made for children/teenagers (although i did read this as a teenager...multiple times), It truly is a wondrous adventure!! Then of course make sure you indulge your visual senses with this new rendition of Cinderella, to which in my own personal opinion- Will enthrall even the magically challenged individuals in your life! <3

#Cinderella #DreamsDoComeTrue #HaveCourageAndBeKind

Sunday 5 June 2016

Yo Ho Yo Ho...A Fifo Wife Am I

Yes, it would seem I am classed as a FIFO (Fly-in Fly-out) wife.
It has it's good points and it's bad.

If you are un-sure about the FIFO life, take into consideration a few pointers...

You get a lot of alone time
You can snore and have the entire bed to yourself
You can sleep-in (if you dont have children)
You can do what you like during your days off (if you work) and not worry about anyone else....
We don't have to struggle so much to survive & live a comfortable lifestyle
You can very proudly tell everyone that you're husband is a FIFO worker, the thought of him working 12 hours days in your mind makes him seem like a super hero!! <3

You miss spending time with him
You wish you could roll over in bed and feel his body next to yours
You wish his arms would cuddle you in the morning, waking you up OR
Opening your eyes to see him staring at you with his goofy smile (ya dork!)
You wish he could be here with you, just so you can do nothing together
You miss celebrating many occasions- most of which are Birthdays, Anniversaries and Holidays.
And most importantly... You wish he was there for those moments where it feels like your life is crumbling down around you. As a phone call or text does it no justice and no one else will make you feel the way he does. That's when you want your super hero at home.

So in short... YES we have a beautiful home and thanks to him, we aren't struggling to survive. In the long run how ever, I miss him so damned much.
People who have never dealt with some one who is FIFO wouldn't understand and what really grinds my gears is those people say "I couldn't go a day little alone a week with out my hubby!"... seriously.... you can and would if you had too! That's such a ridiculous statement, it some times feels like your making him out to be some horrible person who leaves me for a week or 2 at a time.

Which I know isn't the case, if we had it our way- he'd be here in Perth waking up by my side every day.
So next time you whinge and bitch about missing your hubby/bf/partner - whatever- because they have been gone for 6 hours, take into consideration women and men who sacrifice their time together to provide for their family.
Who are contributing to the country in their own way- Australia is a mining country these days, we need those men and woman to fly-in and fly-out away from their homes to keep things moving- and don't go bitching that they earn stupid amounts of money- because they don't. It all boils down to the individual and their circumstances.

So enjoy your time together, as I become an introvert as soon as hubby get's home! And you know what? I would prefer to spend an eternity just with him than anything else in the world <3

See you when I see you!

#FlyInDay #FifoWife #NaughtyWife

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Opinions are like assholes....

...they are like assholes. Everyone has one.

Yup... how true is that!?

Honestly though, what is this blog but my own thoughts and opinions on matters that arise in my life?
To be fair- I have a lot of opinions, and they aren't always correct or right in the eyes of most...but you know what? That's YOUR opinion!!

I'm totally happy in my little bubble of ignorance, please though do share with me so that I might see your point of view :) I'm not totally shut off at the idea that my own opinion can be wavered, but please respect that I've been brought up to believe some things and then as a *laughs* "adult" made my own judgment on those childhood beliefs. And guess what I have found... people are assholes.

Yup. I never hide that though. Oh.... and here is why I'm talking about opinions.... Today on the beloved social media site Facebook, I saw a post by some one. I will share this now.

Now... let that sink in.

Yup..... this opinion is small minded and ridiculous - TO ME!
I find this to actually be disgusting and revolting as well. Why? I hear that 'why' question coming on... well here's my reason behind such closed minded posts such as this.

What follows these posts are shit like this:
"God created Adam & Eve NOT Adam & Steve!"
Yes, It was from the beginning and GOD hasn't changed"
 " man and one woman"
(these are comments taken from the actual Facebook page: find it here)

You are disgusting people saying such things, in my opinion. (can you see a pattern forming here?)
Now, I am not against religion, although I do believe the world would be a better place with out it personally... but, they preach from this "written word of god" about it being so wrong and yet they say to love each other and do not judge?

I'm sorry, NO! Fuck you and your standards!!!

Gay's and Lesbians and Transgenders are AMAZING! Have you ever watched RuPaul's Drag race? Those bitches are FABULOUS!!!!
I have been blessed to have some amazing 'gays' in my life and I wouldn't change that for the world!
But what really irks me is, some of these people say that they are ok with gay people choosing to "be that way" or "choosing that lifestyle" but when it comes to marriage- HOLD THE PHONE!!

Dickheads....  Marriage is not limited to A Man and A Woman. 


It's the merging of TWO people whom of which LOVE each other so much that they wish their partnership to be entwined forever. Pretty much boils down to that, to which all they are now wanting is the right to be able to say they are legally married in the legal system and not in the "eyes of the lord"... as most of them don't actually care about that!? (from what I've heard talking to people)

I just want to point out how ever... I do not speak on behalf of anyone but myself...  each person is individual in their own right.

However, I fully support their RIGHTS to marry the love of their life!!!! 

So, unless you're batman... shut up. Let the love flow!!!