Wednesday 15 June 2016

Thought I thought what I thought I Thought...

Oops... I thought.

I actually don't have much to say as of late, not that any one reads this any way (other wise i would get comments)
But, I do actually have a hand written diary going a.t.m too and at least in that I can write what ever I want and know for a fact it wont effect any one but me.

Let's face it, the world is full of pussies who get offended if you sneeze in the wrong direction!!

But, A thought on a thought in my hand written diary is (and that is rather personal so I wont actually referee to what i mean) people are fucking jerks!!

It doesn't matter how nice of a person you are, those assholes find you, take advantage of you, walk all over you, put you down till you feel your self worth is nothing and end up making you feel like shit for being that nice person to them in the first place.

It's like a fucking curse!!!
I seem to just attract these people no matter where I go in life! It's horrible, but what get's me even more is they act as if my own personal struggles are nothing! LITERALLY NOTHING!!

"Harden Up Princess" they say! "I had it harder at your age, you've got it easy" they carry on "Well I never had to deal with that, have a cup of concrete"
This attitude, although can be valid in the right circumstance - IS HORRIBLE! Where is the compassion for the fellow person in genuine distress? No one wants to deal with other peoples problems these days and that's WRONG!!

If some one tell's you that they are having a genuine problem, don't shrug them off- LISTEN TO THEM AND SHOW COMPASSION YOU IGNORANT COCK-GOBLIN!!

Jesus Fucking Christ!!!

What the hell is wrong with people!?

I give the fuck up some times!! If i don't tell people whats wrong - I'm a bitch
If I tell what's wrong - Im a bitch and a fucking sook....

No wonder suicide is higher than ever, no one gives a flying fuck!!!
Fuck it.

#BiteMe #IHaveFeelings #CareAboutOthers #FuckYou

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